Vijaya Vitthal Temple
Exploring the Magnificence in Hampi BY PATHBEAT.IN
Who built the Vitthal Temple?
The Vijaya Vitthal Temple was commissioned during the reign of King Devaraya II (1422 – 1446 A.D.) of the Vijayanagara Empire.
Several additions and embellishments were made to the temple during the rule of Krishnadevaraya (1509 – 1529 A.D.), another prominent king of the dynasty.
When was it built?
The Vijaya Vitthal Temple was built around the 15th century AD.
Mystery of Musical Pillars
The cluster of musical pillars inside the Vitthal Temple complex was carved out of huge single pieces of resonant stone.
The emission of musical notes from stone pillars is a mystery that fascinates people even today. The specific type of granite used may have unique properties that contribute to the musicality.
Some theories propose the builders used a special technique, perhaps involving hidden channels or inserts, to manipulate the sound.
During the British rule, intrigued by the pillars, they cut into two of them to uncover their secret. Finding nothing inside, these cut pillars can be seen in the temple today.
What to see at the Vithhal Temple
1. Stone Chariot It is shown in our 50 Rs currency note and has been on the poster for Incredible India campaigns for several decades.
It is one of three renowned chariots along with those in Konark and Mahabalipuram. It is dedicated to Garuda, the carrier of Lord Vishnu in Hindu mythology.
2. The Ranga Mantapa  Ranga Mantapa used to be performance halls where dancers, musicians, other artists would perform.
3. The Maha Mantapa  The base is filled with detailed carvings of horses, elephants and warriors. The masterful craftsmanship of the Hampi sculptors is at the show.
Architectural Plan of Vijaya Vithhal Temple