A Tourist's Guide to Hampi
Badavilinga Temple
Who built the Badavilinga Temple?
The Badavilinga Temple in Hampi is believed to have been built during the Vijayanagara Empire, which ruled South India from the 14th to 17th centuries.
When was the Badavilinga Temple built?
The Badavilinga Temple likely dates to the Vijayanagara Empire's peak in the 15th-16th centuries, though exact construction dates are unknown.
1. Monolithic Shiva Linga The temple houses a single, massive Shiva Linga that stands approximately 3 meters (10 feet) high.
Important facts & mysteries
2. Submerged Base The water around the Linga intrigues visitors and historians; the canal's engineering keeping it submerged remains a topic of curiosity.
3. Commissioning Patron The name "Badavilinga" suggests that the temple might have been commissioned by a poor devotee, as "Badava" means poor in Kannada.
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1. Monolithic Shiva Linga The primary attraction of the temple is the large monolithic Shiva Linga.
What to see at the  Badavilinga Temple
2. Submerged Base Notice the unique feature of the Shiva Linga's base being submerged in water.
3. Lakshmi Narasimha Statue Located nearby, this monolithic statue of Narasimha, another significant site in Hampi, is worth visiting.
Lakshmi Narsimha Statue